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Basic description

For this kind of task, kdoctor-controller will generate corresponding agent and other resources. Each agent Pod sends http requests to each other with the request address of each agent's Pod IP, service IP, ingress IP and so on, and obtains the success rate and average latency. It can specify the success condition to determine whether the result is successful or not. Detailed reports can be obtained through the aggregation API.

NetReach example

kind: NetReach
  name: netreach
    hostNetwork: false
    kind: DaemonSet
    terminationGracePeriodMinutes: 60
    meanAccessDelayInMs: 1500
    successRate: 1
    durationInSecond: 10
    perRequestTimeoutInMS: 1000
    qps: 10
    roundNumber: 1
    roundTimeoutMinute: 1
    schedule: 0 1
    clusterIP: true
    enableLatencyMetric: false
    endpoint: true
    ingress: true
    ipv4: true
    ipv6: true
    loadBalancer: true
    multusInterface: false
    nodePort: true
  doneRound: 1
  expectedRound: 1
  finish: true
    - deadLineTimeStamp: "2023-07-28T09:59:12Z"
      duration: 15.462579243s
      endTimeStamp: "2023-07-28T09:58:27Z"
      expectedActorNumber: 2
        - kdoctor-worker
        - kdoctor-control-plane
      failureReason: some agents failed
      notReportAgentNodeList: []
      roundNumber: 1
      startTimeStamp: "2023-07-28T09:58:12Z"
      status: fail
      succeedAgentNodeList: []
  lastRoundStatus: fail

NetReach Definition


Fields Description Structure Validation
Name Name of the NetReach Resource String Required


Fields Description Structure Validation Values Default
agentSpec Task Execution Agent Configuration agentSpec Optional
Schedule Schedule Task Execution schedule Optional
Request Request Configuration for Destination Address request Optional
Target Request Target Settings target Optional
Expect Task Success Condition Judgment expect Optional


Fields Description Structure Validation Values Default
Annotation Annotation of Agent Workload Map[string]String Optional
kind Type of Agent Workload String Optional Deployment, DaemonSet DaemonSet
deploymentReplicas The expected number of replicas when the agent workload type is deployment int Optional Greater than or equal to 0 0
Affinity Agent Workload Affinity labelSelector Optional
env Agent Workload Environment Variable env Optional
hostNetwork Whether or not the agent workload uses the host network Bool Optional True, false False
Resources Agent Workload Resource Usage Configuration Resources Optional Limit cpu: 1000m,Memory:1024Mi
terminationGracePeriodMinutes the minutes after a agent workload completes a task before it terminates int Optional Greater than or equal to 0 60


Fields Description Structure Validation Values Defaults
roundNumber Task Execution Rounds int Optional A value greater than or equal to -1 indicates indefinite execution, with -1 representing permanent execution. A value greater than 0 represents the number of rounds to be executed 1
roundTimeoutMinute Task timeout which needs to be greater than durationInSecond and task execution time int Optional Greater than or equal to 1 60


Fields Description Structure Validation Values Defaults
durationInSecond Duration of request send pressure for each round of tasks which is less than roundTimeoutMinute int Optional Greater than or equal to 1 2
perRequestTimeoutInMS Timeout per request, not greater than durationInSecond int Optional Greater than or equal to 1 500
QPS Requests per second per agent int Optional Greater than or equal to 1 5

When using agent requests, all agents will make requests to the destination address, so the actual QPS received by the server is equal to the number of agents multiplied by the set QPS.


Fields Descriptions Structures Validations Values Defaults
ClusterIP Test cluster service's cluster IP Bool Optional True,false True
Endpoint Test cluster Pod endpoint Bool Optional True,false True
multusInterface Test cluster Pod Multus multi-NIC IP Bool Optional True,false False
IPv4 Test IPv4 Bool Optional True,false True
IPv6 Test IPv6 Bool Optional True,false False
Ingress Test Ingress Address Bool Optional True,false False
nodePort Test Service Node Port Bool Optional True,false True
enableLatencyMetric Statistics demo distribution, which increases memory usage when turned on Bool Optional True,false False


Task success condition. If the task result does not meet the expected condition, the task will fail.

Fields Description Structures Validation Values Default
meanAccessDelayInMs The average delay. If the final result exceeds this value, the task will be judged as failed int Optional Greater than or equal to 1 5000
successRate Success rate of the HTTP request. If the final result is less than this value, the task will fail Float Optional 0-1 1


Fields Description Structures Values
doneRound Number of completed task rounds int
expectedRound Number of rounds expected to be performed int
Finish Whether the task is complete or not Bool True, false
lastRoundStatus lastRoundStatus String Notstarted, on-going, succeed, fail
History Task History Element is history array


Fields Description Structure Values
roundNumber Task Round Number int
Status Task Status String Notstarted, on-going, succeed, fail
startTimeStamp Start of the current round of tasks String
endTimeStamp End of the current round of tasks string
duration Execution time of the current round of tasks string
deadLineTimeStamp Deadline of the current round of tasks string
failedAgentNodeList Agent whose tasks failed Array of elements as string
succeedAgentNodeList Agent whose task succeeded Array of elements as string
notReportAgentNodeList Agent who did not upload a task report Array of elements as string